
Jan 28 2025


For some, this will be their first race. this is a “Hell ya! I am going to do this!” perfect first race experience. It is safe, supportive, and, above all, it is super fun.

For others, the TriMuskokan is a culmination of a long winter of training, and years of races under their belt to see if they can reach the podium.

But for all, it will be an unforgettable event experience that is unparalleled on the Ontario race schedule.

When our triathlon club decided to host an event, we started with the things that mattered the most to us as athletes. The swag. The post-race food. The music and exciting atmosphere. The fun. And probably the last thing that came to the table was the actual race.

So, we make sure that the event experience comes first. And then an absolutely stunning and just-challenging-enough race course is thrown in there for good measure!

For complete event details please follow the link provided.
