DEC 05 2018

Winter Fat Biking: 3 Days of Riding in Ontario’s Cottage Country

Get off the indoor trainer, layer up and head out for some seriously cool fat biking this winter in the great Canadian wilderness just north of Toronto.   Fat bikes continue to grow exponentially in popularity, providing an excuse for on and off-road riders to keep spinning all winter long. With low pressure tires that allow […]

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SEP 13 2018

A Tale of Two Mondays: Back to Back Group Rides with MORCA

Writer and rider Bill Farnsworth hit the trails with the Muskoka Off Road Cycling Association (MORCA), a new cycling group in cottage country. Established by a team of experienced riders, their mission is to create and maintain new trails and to promote a positive cycling culture in the region. Although it’s only their first official season, […]

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JUN 28 2018

Guided Cycling in Muskoka & Georgian Bay with Humdinger Bicycle Tours

This season there is an exciting new way to see cottage country’s natural beauty, charming villages and scenic roads. Humdinger Bicycle Tours is offering all-inclusive, fully supported cycling tours that will allow you to experience the best routes and the most iconic attractions in the region. Humdinger Bicycle Tours is the brainchild of Orillia resident […]

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APR 26 2018

Early Spring Cycling in Ontario’s Cottage Country

Writer and rider Bill Farnsworth heads out on the newly bare pavement of early spring (in the year it seemed like it would never come) and heads out to explore some unique early season routes in the wilderness north of Toronto. I grew up riding the roads of Ontario’s cottage country, so my recommendation for […]

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FEB 14 2018

Muskoka Winter Bike Fest: A Classic in the Making

Outdoor adventurer and photographer Martin Lortz participated in the inaugural season of the Muskoka Winter Bike Festival – and he was not disappointed.  It’s funny how sometimes you arrive at an event and instantly you get the feeling this is going to be a good one. Well, this is one of those times. Maybe it’s the […]

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JAN 12 2018

From Rail to Trail: Winter Fat Biking on Algonquin Park’s Old Railway Bike Trail

Writer and rider Bill Farnsworth braves the winter temps and heads out to tackle some epic cycling in the stunning wilderness north of Toronto.  2018 marks the 125th anniversary of Algonquin Provincial Park. Although fortunate to have lived within an hour’s drive from Canada’s first provincial park for most of my life, I still have […]

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